Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Research interests

Hi there,

I am interested in research interests that explore international outreach, edublogging, e-learning, e-interviewing, and other distance learning.
If you are interested in these areas, you could let me know your blog. I am on Me2U with Athabasca University. Jo Ann

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Edublogs are going to make records of our thoughts over time, if we put them down to be found. I have been distracted be many wonderful blogs lately -- but one of my favourite blogs have been by Glenn Groulx and tonight I listened to his podcast which was inspiring enough to keep me working longer.

I've been doing a lot of work for the Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA)lately as the Educational committee is doing a review of the art therapy institutes, colleges, and universities in Canada.

Also, CATA has a wonderful conference coming up in Winnipeg, November 5th to 7th, and Nick, the president of CATA, and I are moderating a panel of 8 panelists from 8 Canadian Art Therapy institutions. It will be very thought provoking and inspiring. I imagine the panel discussion will highlight many challenges, but also bring hope.

Jo Ann

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Update since graduation

I graduated from the Graduate Diploma in Distance Education and Technology.
I'm reflecting on the program and what it meant to me and my career development.
Overall I had great learning opportunities. What I liked best was the dialogues with other students in forum conferences and on Me2U social software posts.

At this point I have got involved with ipeace and that has really been interesting and I have made many online friends. I have decided to support Amarok, a charity endeavor for "Mothers of Intention" -- Educating Mothers and their children -- and thereby, communities in poor areas of Bangladesh. I am excited about some artists and art therapists I know, painting and raising money for this worthy "learning". The Mothers and their children learn math and English as well as their own language.

I am hopeing to construct a model for both the American Dance Therapy Association members and for the Canadian Art Therapist Members -- that will help them learn and teach online. I will be presenting to both of them -- one in October, if accepted, and one is for sure in May.

In this way I hope the DistanceEducationOutreach begins to happen in the areas of my interest.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Day of 2008, Dec. 31 is ipeace Day, that's today

Today I participated on Nellie Deutsch's WiZiQ for peace. There were 7 diverse participants who all contributed by their presence. David contributed poetry and Stephen spoke. There were videos and Youtubes. I posted my picture for peace.

Here is my Oil Painting for the occasion.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

CCK08 Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

I've been reading blogs -- e-mailed Burak about his art forms with "form" and other group dynamics. I said: "I like your work -- thanks for sharing it. I have a dance analysis background -- am a psychologist, dance/movement Therapist and art therapist. I trained at NYU and other places and live in Edmonton. I also have been a member of the Canadian Group Psychotherapy Associationn for years and find Escher's graphics very important for conceptualizations of group dynamics.

Did you every think of having dancers in NY choreograph your maps and take photos of them. Merce Cunningham -- NY studios -- have lots of dancers (I danced there years ago) -- that do patterns and rhythms -- spatial awareness -- but you could also have someone interview their sense of the space? I know that may seem like a different world, but I think you would find it interesting and worthwhile given your work."

I also liked Anton's talk about everyone's (potential)to be an expert in something not just teachers. I think professionals have a chance of spending more time on some subject areas -- and perahps they develop their talents -- but it should in know way mean that others don't.
Jo Ann

Monday, September 22, 2008

CCK08 Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

Networking -- I have a lot of it as I belong to many organizations -- however I think it is good to ask myself about the "quality" of my networking -- the effectiveness of what I network about and for. I think making shifts in who we are is partially about stepping outside of our neighbourhood -- but I find that edgy. It isn't that I haven't travelled -- I've travelled a fair bit -- and even by myself -- but for me in becomes a point of what to do with more -- more of the connections, of the actions, of the informations, of the maps. I think there is a "false" level of security about having the map -- of knowing my purpose. Therefore I'm rambling with very little censoring -- without a map. Speaking of maps -- I think the 13 maps on the CCK08 Daily were impressive. I want to share them with my 15 year old. I have very little knowledge about the things that I think I should have -- knowledge management, a sense of how best to use my time, and who to connect with for a "purpose" that is unknown. Jo Ann

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Web 2.0 site to teach skills to individuals.

I joined the Connectivism course a few weeks ago -- and although I have been reading and entering posts in other participants' blogs, I have not worked on my own because I have been in another course, working, had a sick relative, and other extensive responsibilities that were very unexpected.

I've been inspired by the blogs of so many. I did list some of them here -- but the blog would not allow me to post them -- so I had to start again (lesson to remember).

In my reading of the 605 AU course blogs, a student's blog posting found the Power Points from the DET conference 2008, which led me to find a great site to help me learn more about blogging and other online skills that I want to master -- eventually. I have been running with the idea of learning more -- and there it was -- partly because I was "connecting to knowledge" and others.

Thanks to this DET presentation and a url site that it contained, I will be able to help myself with skills related to the Web 2.0.

As far as the Connectivism course -- I like connecting, I agree with diverse understanding of knowledge, and I think that there are many leader emerging from the course. I want to thank George and Stephen for all there work and dedication. They are exemplary leaders in Connectivism and Learning.
Jo Ann