Monday, September 22, 2008

CCK08 Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

Networking -- I have a lot of it as I belong to many organizations -- however I think it is good to ask myself about the "quality" of my networking -- the effectiveness of what I network about and for. I think making shifts in who we are is partially about stepping outside of our neighbourhood -- but I find that edgy. It isn't that I haven't travelled -- I've travelled a fair bit -- and even by myself -- but for me in becomes a point of what to do with more -- more of the connections, of the actions, of the informations, of the maps. I think there is a "false" level of security about having the map -- of knowing my purpose. Therefore I'm rambling with very little censoring -- without a map. Speaking of maps -- I think the 13 maps on the CCK08 Daily were impressive. I want to share them with my 15 year old. I have very little knowledge about the things that I think I should have -- knowledge management, a sense of how best to use my time, and who to connect with for a "purpose" that is unknown. Jo Ann

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