Wednesday, September 24, 2008

CCK08 Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

I've been reading blogs -- e-mailed Burak about his art forms with "form" and other group dynamics. I said: "I like your work -- thanks for sharing it. I have a dance analysis background -- am a psychologist, dance/movement Therapist and art therapist. I trained at NYU and other places and live in Edmonton. I also have been a member of the Canadian Group Psychotherapy Associationn for years and find Escher's graphics very important for conceptualizations of group dynamics.

Did you every think of having dancers in NY choreograph your maps and take photos of them. Merce Cunningham -- NY studios -- have lots of dancers (I danced there years ago) -- that do patterns and rhythms -- spatial awareness -- but you could also have someone interview their sense of the space? I know that may seem like a different world, but I think you would find it interesting and worthwhile given your work."

I also liked Anton's talk about everyone's (potential)to be an expert in something not just teachers. I think professionals have a chance of spending more time on some subject areas -- and perahps they develop their talents -- but it should in know way mean that others don't.
Jo Ann

1 comment:

golfinggma said...

Interesting! My name is Jo Ann Hammond! I live in Winter Haven, Florida, USA. I am 80 years old; a retired high school Director of Guidance and Counseling.
Have been to Edmonton. Was in Stratford, Ontario last summer.
REALLY love Vancouver, Toronto and Quebec.
Your site is most intriguing. Glad I found it. My e-mail address is